Birth Injuries

Birth InjuriesWhen a birth injury occurs to a newborn, the family is usually caught up in frequent medical conferences and the all-consuming nature of caring for an injured baby.

At some point, however, questions may arise regarding whether legal action may be possible against the hospital or individual doctor or nurse. Did malpractice occur? Did the doctor or nurse make avoidable errors during the birth that caused the child’s injury?

When you have questions like these, it is important to seek advice from qualified attorneys who have experience with birth injury lawsuits. You need an honest and straightforward evaluation of your legal options. Or, you deserve to be told if your child’s birth injury was the result of an honest — though heartbreaking — mistake.

Get Advice From Experienced Birth Injury Attorneys
The law firm of Patterson Bray, located in Memphis, Tennessee, and with additional offices in Nashville, has a well-developed medical malpractice practice, and we have experience evaluating and handling birth injury cases.

We have enjoyed a record of success representing injured people in a range of medical malpractice cases, and we are always available to provide a free and confidential evaluation of your case.

One of the reasons for our frequent success on behalf of our clients is that we know first-hand how insurance companies build their defenses to such cases.

We Carefully Select the Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice Cases We Take on
We value quality over quantity. For that reason, we are selective about the birth injury cases we accept. Any medical malpractice case takes a lot of resources and can be difficult to prove — and we want each of our clients to rest assured that they are receiving high-quality personal attention and our best efforts on their behalf.

Types of Birth Injuries
Common types of birth injuries, any of which may lead to a successful claim of medical malpractice or medical negligence, include:

  • Erb’s palsy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Injury to the brachial plexus nerves
  • Caput succedaneum, or scalp swelling
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Cephalohematoma, or a collection of blood under the newborn’s scalp
  • Neonatal stroke
  • Paralysis
  • Asphyxia
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Forceps lacerations
  • Subconjunctival hemorrhage, or broken blood vessels in the eye
  • Placenta abruption

If you have questions about a specific birth injury case, however, we encourage you to contact our offices for a free and confidential initial consultation with one of our lawyers. Please either submit an online request for a Free Case Review (LINK), or call to set up a consultation at 901-372-5003.