What Are Common Types Of Truck Accidents? 

A seasoned truck accident lawyer handles many different types of cases, from drunk driving accidents to road rage incidents. Some of the most common types of truck accident cases that a lawyer often assists clients with include front-end accidents, rear-end accidents, T-bone accidents, jackknife accidents, and rollover accidents. In many cases, accidents are preventable and are a result of reckless or distracted driving. 

Why should I not admit fault or accept blame? 

Knowing how to protect your legal rights after a truck accident is crucial. You want to be careful that you don’t implicate yourself in an accident. Even if you were partially at fault in an accident, you should not admit fault or accept blame, because it could severely damage your case. You should only discuss your case with a qualified lawyer, and not provide any kind of apology to the other driver or local authorities. Receive counsel from a trusted lawyer so that you do not accidentally say the wrong thing. 

What parties can I file a lawsuit against?

In a truck accident, there are often multiple parties involved. Apart from the truck driver and carrier, there are other parties who may be held liable. This includes the manufacturer, third party vendor, and shipper. It can take time to determine all of the parties that may have played a role in an accident. 

You can receive legal assistance from a competent lawyer like one from Patterson Bray PLLC who can skillfully advocate for you. No matter how you were injured in a truck accident, a skilled lawyer can evaluate your case to determine who is at fault and pursue them. They have helped clients with a wide range of scenarios, so they know how to approach each type of case. Schedule a risk-free consultation with a trusted Memphis, TN-based truck accident lawyer now if you need legal assistance after suffering injuries in an accident.

A truck accident can be a life-changing and shocking experience, as a truck accident lawyer in Memphis, TN knows. If you have suffered injuries in any kind of truck accident, such as front end collisions, rear end accidents, sideswipe accidents and others, you may benefit from reaching out to a qualified lawyer who can advocate on your behalf. You should take the time to explore your legal options and determine if you are eligible to recover financial compensation. Below are some common questions that a Memphis, TN-based truck accident lawyer such as one at Patterson Bray PLLC typically receives from accident victims during a consultation. 

Is it worth hiring an accident lawyer? 

Navigating a complex truck accident claim can be a challenge if you do not have sufficient understanding of the law, and are not sure where to move forward. Hiring a qualified personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience handling cases is worth the investment. You should hire a lawyer who has years of experience in litigation, achieving excellent results for their clients. Find a lawyer who has experience working on cases that have similar elements to yours. If you want to understand your legal options, reach out to our office and give us a call now to get started. 

What Should I Do After A Car Accident? 

The very first thing that you should do after an accident is to seek medical attention. Check for injuries and even if they aren’t immediately visible, contact your doctor. There are injuries that may be present but not instantly felt because your body is experiencing a rush of adrenaline following the accident. Injuries like whiplash and herniated discs may not hurt right after but the day after an accident you can feel them. 

In most cases, if your injuries aren’t severe you won’t need to go to the hospital. However, getting yourself checked out is a great way to catch silent killers like internal bleeding. If you aren’t in need of an ambulance then dial 911 to report the accident to the police. If possible take pictures of the accident and the circumstances of the accident. This could be road conditions, traffic signs that aren’t labeled, and any damages to the vehicles. 

You should refrain from giving a statement to the insurance company of the at-fault driver. They could use your words against you and that is why you should only speak to your lawyer. 

What Should I Do if an Adjuster from the At-fault Individual’s Insurance Calls? 

You should always refer the opposing insurance calls to your insurance company or to your lawyer. In most scenarios, the insurance company of the at-fault individual is looking to have you agree to a settlement. Typically this is done before they even attempt to calculate your damages. Until your lawyer has given you their expert opinion on what to do, the best thing to do is not rush it. You could end up settling for far less than what you are worth if you do. 

What Kind of Damages Could I Be Entitled To? 

If you suffered injuries due to a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence there are two main types of damages you can recover. The first is compensatory. These damages are typically property damage, current and future medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress. The second is punitive damages. These are pretty rare in auto accidents though and not many people see anything from punitive damages. 

A car accident is often an emotionally and physically traumatic event and that is why talking to a car accident lawyer in Memphis TN may be beneficial. Most times after an accident people are unsure of what to do to move forward. One of the best steps you can take is to contact a lawyer so you can start recovering the compensation. 

A trusted lawyer can help walk you through the process so you can spend more time on healing and less time worrying about what to do next. In order to help you through this process the team here at Patterson Bray, PLLC has compiled some frequently asked questions about car accidents. 

If you have been in a car accident it is often in your best interest to contact a car accident lawyer in Memphis, Tennessee for more information. 

How Is A Hit-And-Run Driver Identified?

Hit and run accidents can be a chaotic experience, which makes it difficult for the victim to get any identifying information about the fleeing car. However, a Memphis, TN auto accident lawyer does have some tools at their disposal. Oftentimes, there will be eyewitnesses on the scene who can help provide descriptions of the car or license plate numbers. Additionally, there may be video evidence of the accident from nearby traffic cameras that can help police determine the identity of the fleeing driver.

Finally, some hit-and-run drivers experience remorse for leaving the scene. Drivers who flee the scene out of fear, especially those under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash, have been known to turn themselves in to the police at a later date. All of these methods can help tie a person to the accident and allow victims to receive full and fair compensation for their injuries.

How do I file a claim if I can’t identify the driver?

In the event that the driver who perpetrated the hit and run cannot be identified, injured motorists may still have the ability to file a claim using their own insurance to receive help with their medical and repair bills. Many insurance policies include insurance for collisions with uninsured or underinsured motorists. These policies are mostly intended to come into use when the policyholder gets into an accident with someone without insurance or someone whose insurance will not cover all the damages. However, many of these policies count unidentified drivers as uninsured drivers, so it is possible that they would cover hit and run accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a hit-and-run accident, contact Patterson Bray PLLC to schedule a free case evaluation with a Memphis, TN auto accident lawyer and find out what legal options you may have.

After a Tennessee auto accident, people have a variety of duties that the law requires them to fulfill. Among these duties is the requirement that the drivers stop and exchange insurance information. This allows the parties the opportunity to recover from the insurance companies for the damages once fault has been decided. However, an auto accident lawyer in Memphis, TN knows that some drivers ignore this duty and instead flee the scene of an accident. In fact, these hit and run drivers are responsible for over 1,000 deaths every year, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

 This trend of hit and run accidents is a particular problem because victims of these sorts of accidents can find it difficult to receive compensation from the driver who caused their injuries. Yet, such victims are not without recourse. People injured in hit-and-run accidents may be able to use a variety of resources to discover the identity of the other driver. Further, even if the other driver cannot be identified, the injured person may be able to file a claim with their own insurance company to help handle their medical costs and repairs.

When Should I Hire An Auto Accident Attorney?

If you have been injured in an auto accident, your first priority should be getting medical treatment for your injuries. However, once your medical situation has stabilized, you should contact an Auto accident lawyer Memphis, TN from Patterson Bray PLLC as soon as possible. Injuries can have longer-term consequences such as pain and suffering that can last for months or even years after the accident. In order to get compensated for this pain and suffering, you’ll need to file a lawsuit against the driver responsible for the accident.

What is the first thing I should do after an auto accident?

The first thing you should do is call the police so they can make a report. This is important for two reasons: one, the police report will be used when filing an insurance claim, and two, it will ensure that both parties at fault for the crash take responsibility for their actions. You will also probably want to take pictures of the scene of the crash and write down all details about what happened as soon as possible.

What if I was partly at fault for my accident?

If another driver was also at fault for your crash, it may be possible to recover compensation through a an auto accident lawyer in Memphis, TN from Patterson Bray PLLC. But many states have “comparative negligence” laws that reduce or eliminate awards for those who are partly responsible for their own injuries.

What should I do before leaving the scene?

Exchange information with the other driver involved in the accident — including name, address, and phone number — as well as the name and badge number of any responding police officers. Also, get contact information from any witnesses who saw what happened.

What Happens If the Other Driver Was At Fault?

There are two types of fault: comparative and contributory negligence. Comparative negligence means that both parties are at fault (even if only slightly) while contributory means that only one party is at fault.

Do I Need to Go to Court If I’m Involved in an Auto Accident?

Most of the time, you do not need to go to court if you are involved in an auto accident. However, it is possible that your case will go to trial if negotiations between parties fail or if a settlement cannot be reached.

What can I expect after being involved in a car accident?

Regardless of whether you were the driver or passenger, you likely felt shaken up immediately afterward. This is normal, but it’s important to seek medical care if you are seriously injured. Also, if it’s at all possible to take photos of the scene of the accident and your injuries, do so.

If there was any property damage in addition to your injuries, you should also file a property damage claim with the other driver’s insurance company. In many cases, this can be done through an online form on the insurer’s website.

Once you have sought medical help and filed property damage claims, if necessary, it may be time to contact an auto accident lawyer in Memphis, TN immediately to protect yourself. Contact Patterson Bray PLLC today!


What Damages Can I Recover In A Motorcycle Accident Case?

You can usually recover for economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are those that have a specific dollar value, such as your medical bills, lost wages, and damage to your vehicle. Non-economic damages are those that don’t have a specific dollar value but compensate you for the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the accident. A personal injury attorney can help you determine what damages you may be entitled to receive.

How long will it take to resolve my case?

The amount of time it takes to resolve a motorcycle accident claim can vary greatly depending on many factors including whether liability is disputed, how severe your injuries were, and whether the insurance company is willing to negotiate fairly. In some cases, claims may be resolved within a couple months while others may take over a year. If your case does go to trial, it could take another year or more to reach a resolution.

Do I really need a motorcycle accident lawyer?

Motorcycle accidents often involve serious injuries which can be very costly for victims. Insurance companies know this and may offer less than you deserve for your claim so they can save money. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer from Memphis, TN understands how these work and will help you every step of the way.

What is a contingency fee?

Under most circumstances, you pay your lawyer right away. But with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Memphis, TN from the law office of Patterson Bray PLLC, the fee is determined after the case is over. The motorcycle accident attorney receives a percentage of any settlement or award that the client receives.

What Compensation Can I Recover for My Injuries?

You may recover compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other financial losses, as well as non-economic losses such as pain and suffering.

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injuries. If you get into a motorcycle crash, you may need to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer Memphis, TN from the law office of Patterson Bray PLLC after a crash to help you recover compensation for your injuries.

Here are answers to some common questions about hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer.

What is a motorcycle accident lawyer?

A motorcycle accident lawyer is an attorney who specializes in representing individuals injured as a result of motorcycle accidents. Most motorcycle accidents are caused by the negligent actions of other motorists. Car and truck drivers often claim they never saw the motorcyclist before the collision. Motorcycle accident lawyers specialize in representing motorcyclists in personal injury cases and help to protect their legal rights.

Why should I hire a motorcycle accident lawyer?

Personal injury law is a complex area of legal practice which requires specialized training in order for lawyers to be successful at helping their clients recover damages from those who caused their injuries. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Memphis, TN will know how much compensation you should receive based on your particular circumstances, how long it should take before settlement payments begin arriving (or if they ever even do), and what kind of settlement offers are fair given what happened during the incident that led up to your current situation.

Call a Memphis motorcycle accident lawyer from Patterson Bray PLLC today to schedule your consultation!

Determining Causation and Fault In A Motorcycle Accident

It is rarely easy to determine exactly what caused an accident in its immediate aftermath. Instead, investigators work to reconstruct the moments leading up to the crash and the moment of impact in order to determine both causation and fault. Only when you know what caused your accident can you determine who or what may be “at fault” (in a legal sense) for the harm you have suffered.

Our firm has extensive experience representing the interests of injured motorcycle riders. After we understand the nuanced circumstances surrounding your crash, we can offer you objective legal guidance concerning both your rights under the law and any and all opportunities for compensation that may be available to you at this time. Then, you can make whatever informed decision concerning your options is right for you and your loved ones.

If you have been recently injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation as a result of your injuries. Many accident victims are unaware of the fact that, even if a collision is determined to be partially their fault, they may be in a strong position to file a personal injury lawsuit. Working with an experienced Memphis, TN motorcycle accident lawyer at Patterson Bray PLLC will help you to definitively determine whether filing a personal injury claim is in your best interests at this time.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer – Memphis, TN

It is rare that motorcycle accidents are solely the fault of the injured biker in question. Far more often, fellow motorists, government agencies in charge of road maintenance, and/or manufacturers of auto and motorcycle parts are partly or totally to blame when motorcycle riders crash. If it is possible that another’s actions or inactions directly contributed to the cause(s) of your crash, it is worth your time and energy to explore your legal options.

Legal Assistance Is Available

If you have not yet scheduled a risk-free consultation with our dedicated legal team, please do so today. Both the short-term and long-term consequences of motorcycle accidents cannot be overstated. Therefore, it is critically important that you work with an attorney committed to securing you any and all compensation that you may be entitled to under the circumstances. You have been through enough. You don’t need the financial consequences of medical bills and lost wages decimating your family’s budget on top of everything else.

If it is at all possible that your motorcycle accident was not entirely your fault, taking an hour or two to explore your rights and legal options is time that will be well spent. Even if it turns out that you do not have grounds upon which to file a civil claim, you will not be left wondering “What if?” as time goes by. Connect with the experienced Tennessee legal team at Patterson Bray PLLC today to clarify your legal situation and to learn more about our approach to representation; we look forward to speaking with you.

What should I do first after a motorcycle accident? 

After you have reported the accident and received treatment for your injuries, you should explore your legal options so that you can obtain rightful compensation. Even if you don’t think that you have a strong claim, you should consult with a lawyer so that you can understand your situation completely. They can explain your legal rights, options, and next steps that you can take. Before you decide that you do not want to file a claim, you should at least find out how a lawyer can help you and what they have to offer.  

What are common motorcycle accident injuries? 

Motorcycle riders are much more vulnerable to injury because of the lack of protection a motorcycle offers. Common injuries they often receive include head injuries, leg injuries, internal bleeding, and road rash. These are all injuries that require immediate medical attention, and often months of recovery and rehabilitation. In severe cases, motorcycle accident victims are unable to live life normally and require lifelong medical care. 

What should I do if the insurance company contacts me following the accident?

When you report the accident to the insurance company, be wary of any offer that they give you. Insurance companies are not incentivized to act in your best interest because they want to preserve their profits. They will likely offer you a lower settlement amount than what you are fully entitled to. Do not accept any offer until you have spoken with a lawyer. They will negotiate on your behalf if necessary so that you are given a fair offer. 

Is it worth hiring a lawyer? 

Many people who get into motorcycle accidents wonder if it is even worth hiring a lawyer. Some people want to just handle the claim on their own without the help and guidance of a legal professional. There are many drawbacks to trying to handle a case without a lawyer’s counsel. You are likely to get a lower compensation amount, you could make mistakes that can result in your claim getting rejected, and you may not get the results you want. It is worth getting a lawyer that you can trust to handle your case efficiently and skillfully, and you can have a much higher chance at getting an ideal case outcome.

Let a motorcycle accident lawyer provide you with personalized legal support to help you obtain the compensation that you deserve after going through a serious accident. Schedule a consultation now if you would like to learn what legal services a Memphis, TN-based motorcycle accident lawyer can offer you. 

As a trusted and qualified Memphis motorcycle accident lawyer like one at Patterson Bray PLLC knows, people who ride motorcycles are at much higher risk of becoming injured in an accident on major roads and streets. With no barriers to protect them, they are more prone to suffering a horrific injury. If you have been injured in an accident and would like to learn how you can recover compensation, you likely have many questions to ask a lawyer. 

3 Common Injuries In Car Accidents

Being in a car accident is serious and is so much more than just an inconvenience. People can get seriously hurt and may even lose their lives because of being part of a car accident. Vehicle collisions can happen almost anywhere and can involve various types of motor vehicles, such as trucks, passenger cars, motorcycles, and more. The injuries sustained during a car accident can range from minor to more severe injury that requires immediate medical attention. If you were just in a car accident and sustained an injury, then you need to get yourself to the nearest hospital for treatment. By hesitating in getting medical care, it not only affects your ability to recover quickly, but it can hinder your odds at receiving fair compensation. 

Concussion and Brain Injury

When a car accident happens, there is a rapid and sudden force being applied to the body. From that, a person may suffer a concussion or other head related injury. These injuries are sustained often due to a rapid forward and backward jerking motion of the neck, hitting the steering wheel or window, or otherwise being hit in the head by an object or the interior of the car. Symptoms of concussions and brain injuries can include nausea, vomiting, personality or mood changes, loss of consciousness, confusion, and more. Due to how severe a head injury can be, medical attention should not be delayed. 

Broken Bones, Wounds, and Burns

A person who was involved in an accident may sustain a broken bone due to the force of impact. Broken bones usually require medical intervention, surgery, a cast, pain medication, and a prolonged recovery period. Wounds can develop from shattered glass shards, being ejected from the vehicle and hitting the pavement, or burns due to contact with hot surfaces or fires. Someone with serious burns may also have to deal with scarring and disfigurement for the rest of their lives.

Mental Anguish and Fears

Anyone who has been in a car accident can probably attest to the fact that they are awful experiences to go through. In fact, car accidents cause major inconveniences to a person’s life, and can even cause them to suffer financially. Mental anguish and newly-developed fears surrounding driving or getting into a car again is normal for victims. Someone may need to see a therapist and receive mental health support in order to overcome the difficult emotions they are experiencing because of the accident. 

When consulting with your lawyer, like a car accident attorney. Your lawyer will use this information to calculate a monetary award for how much you should receive in your car accident case. The at-fault driver may owe you restitution for your physical injury, mental health, pain and suffering, property damage, and other ways you have suffered. 


Services A Personal Injury Attorney Will Provide

Personal Injury Attorney

When we think about hiring a personal injury attorney we generally think about hiring them to help negotiate a settlement with the insurance company. Admittedly, that service is the most important service that a personal injury attorney can provide. Insurance companies have trained and experienced adjusters who know how to get the lowest settlement possible. A personal injury attorney helps level the playing field and studies show that they increase the size of settlements substantially. Most personal injury attorneys provide other services that many clients find extremely helpful. As explained by a knowledgeable personal injury attorney from Abbott Law Firm, here are some examples:

  • A personal injury attorney can help and advise in getting the best settlement for vehicle repair or replacement. While the dollar amount may pale in comparison to the dollars a client will receive for personal injuries, being without a car after a crash can disrupt a person’s life. It can be difficult to get to work, get to doctor appointments and take care of the tasks that we all must do on a daily basis to survive. Getting a car repaired or replaced quickly brings peace of mind and can help a person get back on their feet more quickly.
  • A personal injury attorney can help a client find the right doctor. It might seem easy to find the right doctor but that isn’t always the case. An experienced personal injury attorney is familiar with the doctors in the area and knows which doctors treat injuries such as necks, backs, legs, arms, concussions and others. Getting to the right doctor quickly speeds up recovery and saves money. An experienced personal injury attorney also knows which doctors create good notes that will stand up to insurance company scrutiny, increasing the ultimate settlement.
  • A personal injury attorney can help by handling communications with the insurance companies. Insurance companies typically want to take recorded statements, want forms filled out, etc. A personal injury attorney can take over some of these tasks completely and if that isn’t possible they can assist the client in working through these communications. This can help the client by alleviating stress and letting the client focus on what matters most, getting the right medical treatment and recovering as quickly as possible.

Of course, there are other services that a personal injury attorney can and will provide. At the end of the day, a personal injury attorney’s job is to get the highest and best settlement possible for the client. On that journey, a good personal injury attorney can be an important asset to a client during a very difficult time.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, contact a personal injury attorney to find out how they can help.

Is It Preferable to Settle or Pursue Trial Proceedings?

When preparing to file a personal injury claim, you might wonder if you should settle your claim or move forward with going to trial. It is difficult to know which steps to take, which is why it is vital that you work with a lawyer throughout this process to help you every step of the way. In some instances, it may be more obvious that you should settle your case as opposed to moving forward with a trial. For example, if the insurance company you are working with is offering you a fair settlement and you and your lawyer believe that you can use this to pay for damages related to your personal injury accident, then moving forward with a trial may mean that you lose a solid opportunity in front of you. On the other hand, if the insurance company is being unreasonable or insisting that they do not owe you for the accident, your lawyer may encourage you to pursue going to trial. 

What should you look for when deciding to settle? 

When you are considering settling, there are a few things that your lawyer, like a personal injury lawyer may want you to think about. Going to trial can be daunting for most people, even with a lawyer who has trial experience. So while you want a lawyer who has litigation experience, you also want someone who is willing to settle if a good offer comes through. You may choose to settle your case if you:

  • Would prefer a quicker, speedier case. 
  • You prefer more control and would like the ability to accept or deny the offers in front of you. 
  • You would rather not have the details of the case aired out to the public. A settlement can offer you more privacy. 
  • You get a reasonable offer. If the insurance company offers you a reasonable settlement, your lawyer will likely encourage you to accept this. 

On the other hand, your lawyer may want you to consider going to trial if: 

  • You are getting a lowball offer. 
  • The insurance company is completely rejecting your claim and blames you for the accident. 
  • You want the person who caused the accident to be held accountable in a more public manner. 
  • You believe you should be getting a much higher settlement than you could possibly get if you did not pursue a trial. 

Trials are typically considered high-risk, high-reward. This means that you are at a greater risk of losing the compensation you are owed if you lose the trial. However, if you win the trial, you have the chance to get more compensation, especially for things like pain and suffering or emotional distress. 

If you are interested in learning more about the pros and cons of a settlement vs. a trial for your personal injury claim, please reach out to your local attorney’s office for more information.